Our Southern Foods fulfillment department (Pick & Pack) specializes in packaging and shipping frozen/refrigerated items from business to consumer. We serve thousands of customers through YOUR brand for precise and professionally packed products.
Our warehouse accommodates subzero temperatures, dry warehouse storage, and cooler chilled products that are ready to be packed and shipped. Our expertise in packing and shipping frozen foods ensure that our clients’ products arrive at their destination frozen and fresh.
Allow Southern Foods to alleviate stress in your business operations while ensuring that your products are packaged, shipped, and received in a timely and safe manner.
Let us help expand your business with our shipping solutions today!
Our national shippers include FedEx, UPS, and on the road carrier services that will deliver to your desired destination. Custom padding is available via cooler Gel-Packs or Dry Ice, suited for long distance deliveries.
We operate Sunday through Friday and comply with any national Holiday observance schedules.